Tuesday, January 17, 2012

'Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.'

Today was kind of a melancholy day. You have them sometimes. I have them sometimes. We all have them sometimes.

Didn't leave the house all day. Didn't get dressed all day. Didn't even really eat all day. Well, I had some food. (I had a sandwich.)

Monday was a good day. Leisurely. Spent it with friends. Ended up at Fury's (formerly Biddy Mulligan's) for trivia in the evening. It was a great group of smart hotties: Kara, Maria, Greg, Kendra, Brittany, Jeff and me. We thought we had it "in the bag," because it seemed at first that nobody else was going to show up for trivia. But then, a lot of people ended up showing up. We still came in second to this group of guys who were CLEARLY cheating on their cell phones. LAME. We'd rather lose with dignity than win as cheaters! (although one of the cheater guys was a super hotttiieeeee who looked like Tony from Crash Kings... turns out he's engaged..)

It was pretty fun.

What was the name of the band in the movie, 'O Brother Where Art Thou?'
--- George Clooney and the Holy Waters

What was the name of the Chicago baseball trial where the players threw the World Series game?
--- The World's Serious Trial (..get it?)

Those were both answers that our awesome team came up with.

**Please note - both of those answers are wrong. Do not use them in your trivia answers.**

ANYWAYS. It was a super fun night. Let's hope that everyone can make it for next week. Well, I think we'll be minus Maria.. :(

BUT THE REAL REASON WHY I STARTED THIS ENTRY, was to tell you about the poem I wrote tonight!!

I can't tell you the last time I wrote a poem. It was probably in college. But, my friend Greg is taking a poetry class right now and has been sending me a lot of the stuff they're learning... which is GREAT cause it's like I'm vicariously back in school.... and it has inspired me to write a poem!

He's doing a big project on haikus, so I've been reading a lot about them. And I decided that I am most interested in the 'circular haiku,' which is a form where you aren't supposed to be able to tell the beginning from the end.

I kind of like it since I hate endings. And beginnings are scary. So why not just make everything a big, giant, grey area?!?! My motto for poetry, as well as life.

Here is my circular haiku:

shooting star soaring
like a flare through the black sky
lay down and watch the

Well! What do you think?!

Keep in mind that most widely recognized syllable structure for haikus is 5-7-5. That's, five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

I think for my grand entrance back into the world of writing, it's a great start. It actually took a lot of thought. Circular haikus are not easy to write, folks.

I would like to challenge each and every one of you reading to write one right now. And post them in the comments! Either here, or on Facebook. (Hi, Facebook readers!!) Haikus are generally supposed to be about nature, but for this assignment: no rules. Go crazy! It doesn't have to be a circular haiku. Just a normal one :) This is fun.

Ok. That's all, really. All I've got for right now. Hope everyone had a great day! Hope it was less-melancholy than mine. I guess mine wasn't too melancholy. Jenn came over from across the street and we had a vent session. That was nice. Also slightly depressing. But... nice.

Have a great Wednesday! Talk to you soon.



  1. I tried to write a circular one. I don't think it worked.

    some branches prefer
    the challenges of winter
    over boring sun

  2. Emily's:
    I miss mod sixty
    and convincing Julie to
    stay downstairs with me

    David's (well, I recorded what he said and made it into a haiku):
    I can't do it, you
    can do it. Really? My gar-
    lic knot is ready.

    Maybe we will do better tomorrow...

  3. drab of dead dry leaves
    and the chill of artic air
    cravings of spring green
