Sunday, May 3, 2009

a choice

OK. i need your help with something. i need to make a decision. a make or break decision. a YES or a NO. i'm not telling you what it is, just know that i get all fluttery over it. here is some side info:

- i could end up regretting either decision
- a YES decision could be either major regret or majorly wonderful
- a NO decision would be plain old regret
- heart says yes
- mind says no
- there's also the fear. a YES decision also comes with a lot of fear.
- a NO decision is not scary at all
- YES means money
- NO means no money

and there you have it. help, por favor.

so, now i'm going to bed because i have to wake up early on monday and drive to Portsmouth, NH to go to court. i'm not posting my court outfit because i'm still not sure what i'm going to wear. i tried on about 100 outfits this evening and was never really satisfied. i'm possibly going to alter my first court outfit a little. the purple and yellow. we'll see.

it will be weird being so close to home, but not being home. and being "home" on work-related business. i miss home.

but, okay. i'm off to bed now, friends. have a lovely start to your week. first week in may. yikes!

"i can't believe a year went by so fast"



  1. yes, you should definitely go on a Two Sisters Co Expedition to argentina....was that the question?

    but honestly i think yes, cause you don't wanna regret not doing something.

  2. 'Yes.' It sounds much less boring and much more awesome.

