I guess there's been a lot going on. I feel like I've been super busy. I've been in Boston the past two weekends, once for a Red Sox game and the other for a fancy wedding.
Those were the shoes I wore to the wedding, btw. YEP. They were pretty serious. Comfortable? HELL NO. As in, there were times where I did not think I would be able to take another step, because my feet hurt so bad. Luckily, I had brought my sparkly gold flats to change into for the dancing portion of the night. Which took up a big portion, because I love dancing.
So, it was my second-cousin who was getting married. And, while Kara and I were there, we met another second-cousin that we didn't even know we had!!!! And turns out, him and his wife are totally awesome and cool and now we want to become best friends with them. So - FAMILY WIN.
Also, it was open bar all night.
And the weekend before was the Red Sox game. They were playing the team from Minnesota. They won! I can't even tell you the last time I watched a whole baseball game. Like, I can't even tell you. Turns out - it was really fun being there. Now I know who Dustin Pedroia is! It was me, Kara, my mom, my cousin Evan and my Uncle Bob! Great time. I had a hot dog and a beer. Classic ballgame eats.
Other than exciting events I have been attending, not much has been going on. Been working a lot. It's been good. I'm so lucky to work with awesome people at both jobs. There's not one person that I don't like.
SO. The first portion of the title of this entry was, "Julie Recaps the News," which I will do now.
THE OTHER NIGHT, we were all watching the news at like, 10pm or something. I think it was after Dancing with the Stars... (go Chelsea!), and they did a story about a group of students that went on a whale watch. Now, this whale watch ended very badly, as the boat hit like this giant wave and a bunch of the students were injured. I think it was off of Cape Cod somewhere. And, they interviewed this one girl from the boat and she had to have stitches in her lip and everything. So, at the end of the news story, the news lady is like, "and the worst part of the whole thing is that the students didn't even get to see any whales, but all received rainchecks so they can go again."
NOW. My mom, Kara and I all started laughing pretty hard at this. THEY GOT RAINCHECKS?!!? Awesome. But was even MORE AWESOME, was that the whole news team starts laughing too. Like, the two newscasters sitting at the desk, the reporter on the scene, AND then they cut to Matt Nois who does the weather, and he's standing there laughing too!!! IT WAS HILARIOUS. And, I have laughed every time I have randomly thought about it ever since then. Which has been a lot, because I'm pretty lame.
And then the next night on the news, Matt Nois was doing the weather and he made a joke about the whale watching trip story from the night before. We all started laughing again. SO GREAT. And it really made me appreciate the "News Team" community. Like, everyone standing in their respective places, ready to read the news. It's kind of a funny set up.
Anyways, today I went searching for the video of the story online, and I found it, but they cut it out at the end just as it's starting to get good. The news ladies start laughing a little bit, and then the story ends.
But I encourage you to watch the video here. And, there's a bonus when they interview the high school girl with the stitched up lip, because she has on GREAT nail polish. Girl from the video, if you're reading - LOVE IT. Love the nails.
Aahhhh, anyways. That was a good time.
So, I have to go to Target tonight. Need some eye drops. Also, cold medicine. Also might buy some cucumber and some limeade to make cucumber limeade smoothies at home. We made them at work last night and they were delish! So, I want to recreate them.
Ok. Well, I hope you all are having lovely evenings. OH! I've seen some movies recently that I will quickly recap you on:
1. BRIDESMAIDS: Excellent. Ohhh I laughed pretty hard at a lot of parts. Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph are kind of unstoppable. Definitely recommend.
2. PROM: Loved it. A lot. And the bad-boy male lead in it TOTALLY looked like Tony from Crash Kings. Yes?
Thomas McDonell, from PROM.
(warning:: hott, sweaty musician...)
Tony, from Crash Kings.
THEY LOOK ALIKE, RIGHT?!?!!? They do. They totally do. During parts of the movie I was just smiling, because it reminded me of being at a Crash Kings concert. Minus the Crash Kings songs. And Ryan and Jo. Also, Mike and Jason. haha. I guess they're a big part of the Crash Kings experience too. But, more so Ryan and Jo. :)
Anyways, Prom was awesome. The dress-trying-on montage was definitely a highlight. Many lame prom jokes were made that night, and I take full responsibility. Haha.
3. FAST AND THE FURIOUS: I know this is called something else, but I can't remember what it is. It's the sequel. FAST FIVE. That's what it's called. I had never seen any of the first Fast and the Furious movies, but I went with some friends who were fans. It was a good action movie. I'm a fan of The Rock, so I enjoyed it. Yes, I am a fan of The Rock. He seems like a nice guy. Anyways, fun movie.
4. NO STRINGS ATTACHED: Yep, the NatPort and Ashton "friends with benefits" rom com. Um, LOVED IT. It was totally funny. Really, I just love anything that Ashton does. I find him highly enjoyable to watch and look at. It was light and fun. And yet another joke about the Prius. Yep, just keep making fun of it, people. It seems in every movie, there is a lame character who drives a Prius and everyone can't stop making fun of him. Well guess what?? I was the one getting 56 mpg the other week so HA! Joke's on all of you, bitches!
5. LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS: The sex movie. It was all about sex. People having sex everywhere, all over the place. Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway. Eh, it was alright. I enjoyed it less than I thought I would. Depressing because it was also all about the pharmaceutical industries and how they only want to screw people over. Pun only semi-intended.
So, yep. Been watching a lot of rom coms. Don't judge. I'll get back to watching serious movies soon enough.
ALRIGHT. I guess I should go be productive. OH! I forgot to tell you the best thing!!!!!
RUBY TUESDAY TURNED 7!!!!!!!! Yep! The big 7. On May 6. We were gone most of the day, which I was upset about, but we celebrated when I got home. She got lots of new toys and treats. And, it's been like, three weeks and not even all the new toys are lost yet! So, that's a good thing. I went to three different stores looking for this compressed catnip ball, which I finally found her. The things we do for our kids.
ANYWAYS. I guess now I should go get dressed finally and go do my errands.
OH WAIT!!!! I'll tell you about songs that I love right now:
1. "Young Blood," by The Naked and Famous. I admit, I didn't start liking this song until I heard it in 'Prom.' But, now I love it.
the bittersweet between my teeth
trying to find the inbetween
fall back in love eventually
2. "Help I'm Alive," by Metric. WORDDDDDD.
come take my pulse the pace is on a runaway train
help i'm alive
my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Two great songs for you to enjoy!!! Enjoy!
Ok, now I guess I'll go. I might also buy chicken salad because it's my favorite food in the whole world and why not?!?!
Hope you all reading this are having a great night. I'm gonna have a great night. I have no plans, but I'm gonna make it fun. DUH.
Alright, we'll talk soon.
Ok now I'll have to watch Prom, because you're right, that guy looks like Tony. Also, now that I have graduated, I have to finish transcribing songs before the new album comes out (OMG NEW ALBUM IS IN REAL LIFE)
ReplyDeleteJulie, I hate to disagree with you but I am afraid I must as a service to your public. Bridesmaids was terrible. I know you love all movies (I do not) and of course you would love this one but I have to say it! I felt like I was trapped in hell and I would hate for this to happen to other readers of this blog who, like me, may follow you blindly. Don't get your hopes up peeps, it ain't no Baby Mama or Spring Breakdown.