Thursday, June 24, 2010

"blush wine and a good time, elephant"


i was so productive today! i accomplished everything i set out to do!!!! i'll recap...

i worked from 8am until 11:30am. after i stopped blogging i did some serious website work. got a lot done, actually. despite the fact i uploaded a whole lot of pictures and then realized you couldn't link to them. (that doesn't really make sense. but, i know what i'm talking about.)

after work, i KNEW i shouldn't go to sleep because if i did, then i would never get things done.

SO, i charged through the sleepiness and went to the post office! saw the Ruggedly Handsome Postal Worker, who i haven't seen in a long time. ohhhh the sound of his Ruggedly Handsome voice. yeah it was nice.

then! it started downpouring. while i was on my way to the grocery store. like, downpouring.

and then it was still downpouring when i had to walk into the grocery store. and i got soaked! for realz. like, my hair was soaked. which made me mad because i woke up a little early so i could straighten it.

but, it was okay. i don't mind rain.

the grocery store was fine. i got everything i needed to get.

still downpouring when i had to walk back out to my car. got re-soaked.

i felt bad for the construction worker directing traffic on Glen Road.

drove past the unfortunate movie theater that either never has enough letters to complete the movie titles, OR, never has enough room on the sign to fit all the movies on.

LET'S TAKE TODAY AS AN EXAMPLE. and it really makes me wonder who puts up these titles.

so they don't have a big enough sign to fit all the titles on, so they have to start doubling up two movies on one line. which, is fine with me. great job using space. but,


really? REALLY? you had to put 'Shrek' and 'Killers' on the same line?!?!?! come on, person who puts up the lettering, did you not realize what you were doing? think of the children.

heck, i was saddened by this. why not,






really. you had to do it. maybe the person who does the lettering is a fan of this blog and likes reading about when i talk about all the mistakes they make. i don't know. but, it's really too bad that had to happen. does everyone agree, or am i just being crazy?


then i got home and it had stopped raining.

unpacked the groceries. it was around 1:45. got ready for bed. went to sleep!! ohhh it was lovely.

i thought i did pretty well though. i lasted from 7am until 2pm on 2 hours of sleep. i set my alarm for 5:30pm.

woke up at 7pm. got right to work on other things. seriously, i did not waste any time.

FIRST, i started soaking the rice noodles to make pad thai.

in the meantime, i made chocolate covered frozen bananas. why? because i wanted to. i don't know what made me feel like chocolate covered frozen bananas. but, i did. so, i made them. and they are freezing right now in my freezer! i think it's partly because now that i have freezer room i want to freeze everything!!!

and then i made pad thai!! i made a lot of it so it will last a few days. really probably only until tomorrow night. because i love it so much i'll probably have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow. and tonight. i actually don't think i made that much. it probably won't last as long as i think it will. but, i feel i'm being productive anyways.

so, that's in the fridge right now. i'll heat some up in a bit and have dinner.

yay! i just felt great today. great day. i think i had to make this day great because i didn't like yesterday. yesterday wasn't so great. but today! YES.

i don't know what will happen tomorrow. i don't have any plans. and since i don't have any money, my options are limited.

so, i just read an article about how leggings are about to go out of style. and they're like, "say goodbye to your leggings!!! death of leggings is coming!!!!"

but, why? who decides these things? i like wearing leggings to bed. or under dresses. and i can't imagine being someone who's like, "okay, i can't wear this anymore, it's not in style." especially if i like it. does that make sense? who cares? if it's comfortable and you feel comfortable in it, why does it matter if it's in style or not?


aannnnddddd, i just read another article called, "5 Things You Don't Know About Robert Pattinson."

yep. read that one. and now i know 5 more useless things about Robert Pattinson.

alright. it's 10pm. i'm going to go eat my pad thai and watch Friday Night Lights!!!!

last night on Friday Night Lights, there was this huge debate over racism on the team! it was tense! and Matt and Julie broke up, but then i think they might get back together because he made her quarterback on the girl's football team.

i really love watching Coach Taylor and his wife together. i think they make a really convincing married couple.

it's just hard to find a place to watch it in my apartment, because my air conditioners are so loud that it's hard to hear the show on my laptop speakers. i had that problem last night.

alright! have a great night everyone. and a great day tomorrow. is it friday? umm...... i think so. today is thursday, yes. yes. so, tomorrow's friday!

have a great friday!

be well!


1 comment:

  1. Don't you think the people at the theater do it on purpose to be funny? Shrek killers is hysterical! It is exactly what I would do if I worked there.
