Wednesday, March 3, 2010

but it's only in her dream


in one hour i have my car inspection. worried and dreading are what i'm feeling right now about that. UGH. please let it just pass and i won't have to pay any extra money.

Ruby is sitting on my lap right now. like, not even laying down. she's just sitting. and every once in a while she'll lean her head back real far to look at me, and i kiss the top of her head. i love her so much.

i can't actually remember why i started this post. i thought i had something important to tell you.

i started watching The Hurt Locker last night. i haven't finished it yet. i thought so far it was okay. all those guys are horrible.

i feel like i need a haircut again. it's only been like, 2 months.

i'm working tonight 3:30-10pm. i think it's gonna suck. only because my boss sent me an email confirming that i would work tonight and she said, "it's been a rough morning. i'll fill you in later."

and whenever i hear that i immediately think, "oh why did i agree to work?"

but, if i got through Monday night. and i got through the night when i almost got punched in the face, then i an probably get through tonight.

TOMORROW will be the real test.

i will be in the operating room during a c-section. when did i ever think i'd be doing that in my life? um, never. how am i going to get through that? i don't know. it will be a tough day.

but hopefully CRASH KINGS this weekend. three times in four days. EPIC. it's weird though, thinking that tomorrow i will probably have this horribly emotional day that includes being there when a baby is born, and then this weekend i might be rocking my socks off at a concert.

life is strange, right?

apparently, Crash Kings are carting around an actual piano for these shows. i learned that via @crashkings twitter. i think it's Tony who does the tweeting. and he said that they were driving through the Rocky Mountains and getting around 8mpg because of the piano.

they start the JET tour on friday. in TORONTO!!!!!! all your Toronto readers - GET OUT THERE!

oh! here's something good:

i spent probably almost 40 minutes in the post office yesterday mailing two big boxes to British Columbia. one to my dad and one to my uncle. and the first time around i filled out the wrong customs forms for BOTH packages. so i had to go do everything again.

but!!!!! the ruggedly handsome postal worker was helping me out. and i hadn't seen him in a very long time. and that made me very happy. he's so funny and lovely. and so ruggedly handsome.

OK. i should go get ready to go to the car appointment. UUGGHHH i don't want to gooo.

my car hit 99,300 miles yesterday! that's exciting. do you think it will hit 100,000 by tuesday?? from (hopefully) driving to boston, then to new york, then to new jersey, back to boston, probably back up here, then back to boston and back up here. that sounds like 700 miles, right?

eh, i have no idea.

AH, okay. now i really have to go get ready. wish me luck. i transferred some money around in my bank accounts so that i have enough. oooohhhhh please let it be enough. i think something is wrong with the engine. and also the transmission. but the transmission thing has been forever. i think the engine thing is new.

ok. have a great day. i'll talk to you later!

<3, julie

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