Thursday, April 29, 2010

business lady week

i've been kind of a business lady recently and i wanted to tell you about it.

(also, i'm upset because i posted the previous three entries over the weekend. it's now thursday. and FACEBOOK JUST UPLOADED THEM. this makes me want to cancel the blog upload to facebook and just manually do it.)

anyways. i'm redesigning the Hannah House website. that's my job. do i know how to design a website? nope! but i'm making it up as i go along, and let me tell you - the website looks AWESOME. oh man, it's going to be fantastic once it's done. my favorite part is the new color scheme. nobody gave me ANY guidance on what they wanted or how to do it. so i said, "well, i'll do it the way i want!!!" and that's what i'm doing. and the first order of business was a new color scheme.

the old color scheme was teal and brown. now, normally, i would love this. and normally, these colors are great together. but it was the exact wrong shade of teal and the exact wrong shade of brown together. it did not look good, in my opinion.

oh, it's really awesome. it's hip and trendy, as well as being warm and friendly. fun and fresh. my favorite of those words are:

- warm
- friendly
- fresh

and i think it's perfect for Hannah House because that's what we also strive to be.

- a warm and friendly environment
- a fresh start

yes. i love it. and i am very proud of the website so far. it's a long job though, designing a website. it's like this blog times 100. with all the different pages and sub pages and whatever that means.

anyways. i will post the link once i'm finished. maybe this weekend? i don't know. it's kind of fun when you really sit down and do it.

and then i'll be able to put on my resume that i've designed a website!!!! and from the way it's going, one that i am proud of. GREAT DEAL!!!

also a great deal:

today we went out for lunch because Courtney's last day is tomorrow (friday) :( and we went to this Mexican restaurant in town and i got a lunch special for $5.99. and the total was $6.53! what a great deal!!! for a delicious Mexican lunch. yumm.

also, i downloaded the whole Mumford and Sons record and I LOVE IT. oh man, it's so good. it's very tragic. that's a word i would use to describe it. TRAGIC. and also, train. because sometimes the songs remind me of watching a train go by. i don't know if you know what i mean. or if that makes sense. but, TRAIN. i guess they have a certain 'rolling' feel to them. i think that's better.

YESTERDAY (wednesday) was a great day.

i went to the post office and got THREE MOVIES!!!!! it was Kathy who waited on me at the desk, but as soon as i started talking the Ruggedly Handsome Postal Worker came out from the back and leaned up against the wall:

RUGGEDLY HANDSOME POST MAN: What'd ya get for movies?!
JULIE: Umm.......The O.C.....the tv show....
JULIE: Yeah, I started watching it. It's super dramatic.
RUGGEDLY HANDSOME POST MAN: I don't watch much TV. I've been thinking about signing up for Netflix, though...

AND THEN - something horrible happened.

OTHER POSTAL CUSTOMER: Hey!! I've got the truck here....
RUGGEDLY HANDSOME POST MAN: Ok, great, you can just pull it up around back.

and then he was distracted by business. BUT OH - it was a lovely little conversation. BUT SO EMBARRASSING that i had to tell him i was watching The O.C. yeah, i felt like i was about to die. and i couldn't even think of ANYTHING else to make up because i was so taken with his ruggedly handsomeness.

would he have come out from the back room if i hadn't started talking?? did he hear my voice and come out?? i don't know. i think so. because, he didn't have any business to do out front. he didn't know that other guy would come in with the truck business. he came out and immediately started talking to me!!

AND he was leaning. which, a boy in high school once explained to me is the number one sign of having a crush. SO. i was pretty excited.

hmmm. yeah. wonderful.


THEN, something else very exciting happened last night. DINNER PARTY!!!!! yep. i was at a dinner party. via conference call!!! oh, it was so fun.

it was a Mod 16 Dinner Party. me, Kerianne, Aliya, Elizabeth and Joe all called into this free conference line and had dinner together over the phone!!!!! just like the good ol' times in Mod 16.

i had to buy wine for the occasion. i texted Kerianne in the wine aisle because it was like being lost in a foreign country. she told me which kind to buy. and then i had to buy a wine opener. a corkscrew? AND i was also very proud of myself because i ROCKED IT getting the cork out. one piece! awesome.

and the dinner party got over around 8. and then i did the dishes. and then i worked on the website for 2.5 hours. and then i went downstairs because i knew that my boss had left me a list of some things to do.

BUT - i didn't know she meant for them to be done LAST NIGHT.

so THEN, i spent from 10:30pm until 2:30am doing ALL KINDS of tiring work.

turns out, we had a fire inspection today which we didn't know about until yesterday. i think that was the point. but anyways, people were going crazy trying to get the house in order.

so i had to:

- carry 2 cribs down from the second floor. (note: each crib takes like, 3 trips. and the stairs are very steep.)
- carry 1 crib to the dumpter (another 3 trips), and the other crib to the garage (another 3 trips.) (note: and it's not like the dumpster and the garage are right outside the door. it's like, all the way to the back of the driveway. at like, midnight.)

after that, i wanted to be done. cribs are heavy, man. and awkward to carry because of all the crazy length sides.

then i had to:

- sort through boxes of clothes and bedding upstairs.
- make sure each bedroom had a storage container with bedding in it

then i had to:

- carry vacuums out to the dumpster

then i had to:

- clean all the pipes and sprinklers on the sprinkler system

let me tell you about that one. how does one do this? i don't know. i started out standing on a chair with paper towels. but i couldn't reach because the ceilings are very high. then i got a broom and stood on a chair. and swept the pipes.

THIS is the most lame thing ever. cleaning sprinkler pipes. UGH it was such a pain. of course it didn't help that i didn't start until 1am. i was standing on chairs and tables and entertainment centers trying to reach these pipes. dust and other crap is falling from the pipes onto me. it's so gross. i have no idea what kind of stuff i inhaled last night.

the whole downstairs sucked. because i had to stand on a chair the whole time. which also meant lugging this chair around the house. UGH i hated it. and my back and arms and shoulders were killing me after. and my legs too, from up and down the stairs with the cribs and then up and down on the chairs and tables.

i seriously got into bed last night and CRASHED. like, immediately. i was tired to begin with from the wine and then from all the hard labor.

and then i woke up at 10:45. got in the shower. got out of the shower and immediately my phone rang. i answered it and it was my boss saying that there was about to be a fire drill. i asked if she could wait 10 minutes because i had JUST gotten out of the shower. and she said yes.

so then we had a stupid fire drill.

aaahhhhhh the PERKS of living in a business!

BUT THEN! we got to to out for a lovely lunch for Courtney. and that was fun. and sad. i am going to miss Courtney. we started working here one week apart. we were birthing coaches together for the first time.

ok, so Ruby Tuesday was playing with one of her round pink toys that she loves and she was running all around with it really fast. and then she ran across the kitchen and SLID RIGHT INTO her water bowl. and it tipped over and spilled EVERYWHERE. omg, i saw the whole thing. and i laughed REALLY HARD. it was pretty hilarious. she is so funny.

i've started called her "Roobs." i like it. aw, she's the best. EXCEPT when she wakes me up too early. which she does every single day. and the other day she would NOT leave me alone. i was getting mad because i just wanted to go back to sleep.

anyways. OK! i have to do some more business lady things and then i have a meeting with Aliya online. fun! or, maybe over the telephone. i don't know. all i know is that it's at 9. great!

ok. i hope everyone has a great evening! it's thursday. 8:18pm. just starting to get dark. i can see one star in the sky. i'm sitting at my kitchen table right now, which is right next to the window. i don't know, i think i needed a bit of a change of scenery from my living room.

also, Ruby was sleeping in my desk chair, so i had to find a new place to sit.

OK! have a great night. i'll update you more about exciting things later!!!!

OMG TWO WEEKS AGO TONIGHT was the Crash Kings show in PA! i can't believe it!! 8:19pm...hmm....we were probably in the parking garage about to set off to the venue!!!! only to have JASON RECOGNIZE US ON THE STREET!!!!!!!

poor Jason, he cut up his hand pretty bad the other day. he posted a picture on Twitter. at first it was super gross. but then i couldn't stop looking at it. it was a pretty deep cut.

anyways. alright, i will talk to you later!!!



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