Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the dark night

um, okay, let me tell you about my night last night.

- i was SO proud of myself for going to bed early. i was in bed by 2:30am!!!
- (i tried to watch A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but the DVD was too scratched, so instead i watched 2012 on instant netflix. umm...pretty lame movie. although, the natural disasters were great. i was bummed it was so hopeful at the end. although, i did shed a tear during the big tsunami in india part.)
- so, i fall asleep around 2:30. i had my alarm set for 9:10am. i definitely needed to be at work by 11am, but it might change to 10:30am, depending on circumstances. so - i wanted to be responsible and prepared.

- i am suddenly awakened at 4am by Ruby Tuesday jumping on my bed.
- i open my eyes and the first thing i see is something huge flying above my head
- i quickly scramble out of bed and barricade myself in the bathroom
- i think, "holy crap there is a bat in my apartment right now."
- so, i have a freak out sesh.
- i hear all the commotion has now moved to the kitchen, so i sloowwllyy walk out.
- then, forgetting that my dad isn't there, i start calling out for him.
- and then, i remember that he went to maine earlier in the day. CRAP. now i really have no idea what to do.
- so, i get dressed. why? i don't know. i suppose in case the bat turns into a hottie vampire, i won't be in my pajamas.
- then i hear the bat start screeching and squealing in the kitchen
- so, i creep out and start calling for Ruby. i don't want her to be near it
- she sees me in the kitchen doorway and starts meowing and walks about halfway to me, but then turns around to go see the bat on the floor again.
- i think she wants me to follow her. but, hell no, i stay put.
- then i remember that my boss is staying over tonight, so i call her on the phone.
- she says that she is deathly afraid of bats, but that she knows it's just as scared as i am

- basically, it was just nice to have someone to talk to and help me calm down through it all
- while we were on the phone, Ruby came running out of the kitchen, slid across the floor, the bat was LOOSE.

- THEN, in a quick turn of events, there was lots of screeching from the bat and then SILENCE.

- i hung up the phone and slowly walked into the kitchen, expecting to see a torn up bat on my floor.

- but, no. there was no bat anywhere. and Ruby Tuesday was on the floor in front of the fridge.

- SOOOOO, i think the bat escaped under or behind the fridge. but when my boss boss went to look for it today, he moved the fridge and found nothing.

- so, where's the bat? i don't know.

- am i dreading going upstairs in the dark tonight? YOU FREAKING BET I AM.

- unless however, by then the bat has turned into a hottie vampire. a nice Alexander Skarsgard or Robert Pattinson, perhaps?

so, i was awake with the bat frenzy from 4am until 5:20am and by then, it was starting to get light outside. so, i turned on all the lights in my apartment and hoped the bat would get sleepy. because i was sleepy too.

and i was so worried because Ruby had been playing/maybe torturing the bat while it was under the table. and she was really, really hot when i finally picked her up. so, i was worried she had a fever because she had been bitten and was now infected with rabies.

and then i thought back to the past few days, and she's been kind of throwing up a lot. so then i was like, OH MY GOD RUBY HAS HAD RABIES ALL THESE DAYS AND I DON'T KNOW IT!!!!!!

but then i looked up the symptoms of cat rabies, and it didn't really sound like it.

BECAUSE, i don't know how long the bat has been living in my apartment. maybe just last night, but maybe also other nights. i hadn't been there for a few nights, maybe my dad slept through other bat incidents? and Ruby had been bitten?

OH MAN, all these things were running through my head. and i was really nervous to get back into bed.

BUT I DID. because i knew i had a busy day today and was working alllll day.

i managed to get Ruby to sleep right next to me and we both fell asleep around 6:30, i think.

and she was still sleeping when i woke up at 9:10. and she slept right through all my "snoozes" until 10am.

i think she was just hot from all the excitement. but, maybe she has a little stomach bug? i don't know.

anyways, so i wasn't too worried about getting ready for work because it was daylight.

and i went to work from 10:15am and i'm working until 10pm tonight.

i called the local vet this afternoon and told her the sitch....

JULIE: Hi, I had a bat in my apartment last night and my cat was playing with it. She's a little overdue on her rabies shot...
VET: Okay, so she needs her rabies vaccine.
VET: Can you come in tomorrow morning?
VET: 8:45?

and i hung up that phone and almost burst into relief tears. i was so worried that they wouldn't be able to see her for a few days, or something.

people at work are telling me that i should call the doctor and tell them that the bat was in my bedroom. apparently sometimes you don't even know if you get bit by a bat, because their teeth are so small.

but, they're also telling me that although bats are a major rabies carrier, the fact that my bat was a carrier is pretty rare.

AS LONG AS RUBY IS OKAY, i'll be okay. (but i might still call a doctor, i don't know.)

I SWEAR TO GOD, if i can't go see Crash Kings next week because i have rabies - i will be so pissed off.

because a) that severely limits my chances of making out with any of the guys, as rabies is transmitted by saliva, and i wouldn't do that to a Crash King.

but, i don't think i was bitten by a rabid bat.

UGH. all day that's all i can think about. the stupid bat.

everyone's like, 'just throw a towel over it and carry it outside.'

UM, YEAH RIGHT. like i'm actually going to pick up the bat and carry it outside? and then people were like, 'well, then trap it under a pot and leave it there until Randy comes in.' Randy is the executive director. he was totally fine with this idea, as apparently he's had a lot of experience with bats. but even the pot idea involves going close to the bat.

so then finally, Randy was like, 'well, shut off all your lights, open your windows and screens, and hopefully the bat will fly out.'

- barricade me and Ruby in my bedroom, sealing up all the cracks.
- only exit when absolutely needed.

YEP! that's the stellar plan!

anyways. i'm dreading it to the max. i think it's worse than when we had bed bugs. and lice.

and i have absolutely no idea how the bat got in. NO IDEA. apparently they can fit through holes 1/4 inch in diameter. LAME. that's really lame, bats. you should stay outside.

i mean, i was sleeping when it came in, so there were no lights on in the house. why else would it come in, unless it had already gotten in?

ah well. i'll be more at ease after Ruby's vet appointment tomorrow.

in other news?

i'm still beaming over my exciting weekend. can't stop thinking about the awesome.

OK, so sometimes (like right now) i think that my life is a huge coincidence. or, maybe fate. i don't know. but like, i was just reading my horoscope for today, and it includes the phrase,"rabidly jealous." really? really, horocope? today of all days to use the word 'rabidly?' you chose to use it the day after a bat was loose in my apartment?

and then another horoscope for today reads:

It's your day to flirt with danger and successfully manage to come out ahead. If there's anything you've been waiting to act on because at first it seemed too risky, take a new lease on your adventurous side and remain confident while meeting obstacles head on. Look for friends to come to your aid in troubling times.

do i think they're talking about the bat? yep.

is it coincidence that they used the word 'rabidly?' or is it fate because i'll get rabies?

i don't know. ok let's stop talking about bats.

i'm really excited to eat food tonight. i'm super hungry. i thought i was working at 11, but instead i worked at 10:15, so i didn't have time to eat before. and then we had cake and ice cream in staff meeting. but that's it. and some coffee.

i'm going to have leftover chicken parm tonight. i'm happy because 1) it was good and 2) i can just reheat it up, which means less time in the open, more time barracaded in my bedroom.

so, the other day i super burnt my ear on my hair straightener. like, it hurt really bad. and then it alllll scabbed over and today, the scab got caught on my earring and pulled off, which hurt a lot. BUT THEN, you should have seen all the blood!! holy crap! i couldn't believe it! it bled for so long.

good, story? right?!

in better news than that: i've found my new house!!! yep, $12,000 a month. 4 bedrooms. 3.5 baths. rooftop gazebo. overlooking the Venice canals in Los Angeles!! on Via Dolce. sound good? good! who wants to live with me?!

ok. i guess i have some work to do before i go home. maybe i should do that.

awww i can't believe i have to take Ruby Tuesday to the vet!! she's gonna HATE it!! awww she hates being in the car soo much! i'll give her turkey when we get home. and treats. awww i love her soo much!!!!!

OK. now i guess i should go do work.

hope everyone has a great night. wish me luck with all my batty endeavors.



  1. This was my favorite post ever. For realz. I loved the bat story - my aunt laurie has a terrifying tale about a bat in her house that i will tell you about someday when you are sure your bat is gone. My favorite part of your story was when you said "if i can't go see Crash Kings next week because i have rabies - i will be so pissed off." Just when i thought things couldn't get any better you told a a gross story about an injury. I canNOT get enough of your graphic descriptions of terrible things happening to your ears.

  2. Aw. I love bats. I think they're really cute. I was thrilled when one flew up the huge spiral staircase past me when I was staying at Smith College. Only real flying mammal, closest thing we have to fuzzy dragons. I'm sorry you had such a bad time with it.
