Sunday, March 10, 2013

First Week of March Blues

I MADE IT!  I made it through the first week of March 2013, which had been looming for a while now. 

1.  I BOUGHT my car!  Yes.  So, three years ago this first week of March, my other car died and I needed a new car.  I decided to lease a Prius.  Jump ahead to three years later which is NOW, and I just bought that very same Prius.  :)  Did I want a brand new 2013 Prius plug-in?????  Yes.  Yes I did.  Very much.  But literally the only option I could afford was to buy the current car.  Which I love and I'm so happy I didn't have to give it up.  And hey - I bought a car!  It's pretty stressful (especially when you have zero credit history... like I do...) but worth it, hopefully.

2.  Ben left for the Navy!  Yes!  He's in Chicago for basic training!!  I realized AFTER he left that I am actually really excited for him and believe in him %100.  Of course, these were things I couldn't express BEFORE he left :/  Mainly due to crying.  But, I fully intend on writing these things to him in my first letter, which I may draft later on tonight. 

Aw!  We're cute!  That's back when we had our adventure throughout northern New Hampshire in August.  That was the best day ever.

I've been trying to stay super busy since he left.  Going to the gym a lot.  I made pasta salad today!  With fresh mozzarella! 

I completed a few craft projects that I wanted to complete.  I bought supplies to complete more craft projects on my list.  I plan to start blogging again... (GET EXCITED!).  The idea is that time will pass quickly until I get to go to Chicago for Navy graduation!!!!!  AND SEE KERIANNE!!!!!! 

Dear Navy,

You couldn't have picked a better spot for basic training because one of my BFFs lives there!!!!!!!  


I talked to Kerianne on the phone for a while the other night and WE'RE SO EXCITED!!!!!!  I'm already planning my outfit for the airplane!!!!  Getting a little ahead of myself?  Ok, ok.  Let's just get through the rest of the night, yes?  (I don't own any of the clothing items anyways.  YET.)

Also getting me through this first week - 80'S MUSIC!!!!  I've been listening to it a lot!  Because there's pretty much no way it'll make me cry.  It's mostly upbeat and silly.  Also I love it. 

AND ALSO GETTING ME THROUGH THIS FIRST WEEK - Kara!  I've seen here like everyday and we've done lots of fun things and had two sleepovers!  She's the best sister ever and I just know I would be a wreck without her. 

And of course, my little Ruby Tuesday!  She's been super cuddly and loving and making sure I'm okay.  This is my favorite picture of Kara and Ruby.  It's the picture that comes up on my phone when Kara calls.  (And she has her own Taylor Swift ringtone, too.)

Alright!  Well, I'm about to head off to the gym with Kara and Brittany!  I just wanted to give a quick update kick-off post to get back in the swing of things! 

I'll be back soon!!  Hope everyone else had a great first week in March! 



  1. HOORAY FOR JULIE BLOGS! <3 you lady, hope the weeks pass quickly!

  2. Heyyyy look it's Captain Julie! Good to hear from you! Hope it's all going well! Sorry about the excessive exclamation points! Just excited for Julie blogs!

  3. Yay!!! One of my favorite blog posts ever. May will be here before you know it! :)
