Tuesday, April 28, 2009

break through the mold

zac is so good at jumping off of things. i guess that's what people do when they're emotionally tortured.

i finished my medication homework for tonight! it was really interesting and informative. i like learning about all the different types of medicine, different ways to take them, proper storage and documentation. it went by really fast. i was almost going to do the work for next week, but then decided to watch High School Musical instead. a logical and natural evolution to the evening.

and i made a picture and hung it above my tv. this time it was from a shirt that said, 'let the sun shine'. i think i told you about it. i hung it by the windows where the sun shines in, duh.

now it's pretty cold in here. i've had that fan on all night and it's quite chilly. i like it. it feels nice. i might leave it on all night because i forgot how much i love having some sort of noise on constantly.

also, i forgot how annoying Gabriella is. and her little giggle. all she does is giggle and pout. and wear short little sundresses.

also, who knew Troy's best friend's name is Chad?? since when did that happen?? i didn't remember that at all. they kept saying his name and i was like, "who the heck is chad??" and all i could think of is CHaD, the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth. probably because i've lived in the hospital for the past two days. is that really his name?

did i ever show you pictures of the totes brillz Halloween costume i made for kara this past year?? i need to get those pictures. i hope she has them.

but, it was right after we saw HSM3 in the theaters and it was right before Halloween, and she was like, "if you make me a Troy costume, i'll wear it." so - I WAS ON IT. like white on rice.

bought red shirt, red gym shorts, white felt. spent hours drawing letters that spelt out WILDCAT. and BOLTON. and 14. hot glued them onto the shirt. it took allllll night. and she needed it done in one night because she was going back to school the next day. it came out AWESOME. like, i felt like a mom. and i rocked it.

did she wear it? no. i think i've seen her wearing the shirt sometimes to bed. ah well. but, the costume RULED.

wait a sec - now the events of that night are coming back to me.... i think i felt so inspired by the costume, i might have taken pictures of it with a magazine page pictures of Zac himself. did that happen? now i'm kind of thinking it did. yeah, i've got to get those pictures so i can show you.

anyways. i've got to get to bed so i can wake up for work. i can feel a power struggle with one of the girls happening in the morning. i have a feeling it will happen. i need my rest so i can be strong and firm.

ALRIGHT. sleep well friends. have lovely mid-week adventures. talk to you soon!!!!!!


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