Tuesday, April 14, 2009

lost pause

i'm just taking a quick pause during my viewing of last week's Lost. let me just say, UUUGGGHHH.

how lame is this 'ben having to be judged by the monster' crap? come on.

and i can't stand how Locke is all powerful and all-knowing. UUUGGGHHH. i don't like him at all. and i don't trust him for one second.

also - Sun. UUUGGGHHH. why has she gotten so lame and annoying?!!?

ok. i think that's it.

OH! and don't even get me started on Kate and how she's a bad mother. the writers of Lost need to learn a thing or two about child car safety.


that's all i'm gonna say.

ok. back to the show.

1 comment:

  1. say one more bad thing about lost, and i'll never read this again...
