Tuesday, August 17, 2010

cross country HUG

Remember that band River City Extension that I love? Well, they are having some troubles on the road.

Half the band got stuck in Wisconsin for a couple days because of car trouble. THEN, I just learned via Twitter that once they got back on the road, 9 hours into their drive, a deer smashes into them and their car is totaled. So now they're stuck in Iowa for two days.

With all the powers of technology and the internet and everything good in the Universe, I would like to give an ONLINE, CROSS COUNTRY HUG to the band. All of them. Plus Sean.

Let's all wish good things for them. Safe travels. Safe places to stay. Good people. Cheap drinks. Great crowds.

And if I had more than $20 in my bank account right now, I would buy them a giant, 'sleeps 10 people' RV. That way, they would always have a place to sleep.

Be safe, be well, and take care, River City Extension.

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