Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"i already know you by heart."

WOW. it's been a long time. too long, in my opinion. i have a list of things to talk about. here's my list of reminder words so i won't forget anything:

1. recycle
2. princess
3. tequila
4. navy
5. evacuate
6. clive owen
7. yo dawg

i think that should do it. are those pretty good 'hookers?' do i have your attention? will you keep reading?!!? YOU WILL!!!?!?!? great! we both win again.

i might mix up that order, though. i will do this entry in number form, and the number of what i will be talking about will correspond to the number in the above list. so, the list might not start at 1. actually, it won't. it will start at

6. CLIVE OWEN. i watched this movie last night called The Boys Are Back. about this father and his 7 year old son. and his wife dies of cancer and he has to learn how to be a single parent. and then, his 15 year old son from a previous marriage wants to get back in the picture. so, they're all living together again. in austrailia. that's where it takes place.

it was so good. i gave it four stars. the two boys (especially the littler one) did such a great job acting, i couldn't believe it. and clive owen was really great too. and super handsome. and rugged. and it had original music by Sigur Ros, which i was excited by.

it made me swoon. it made me laugh. and it made me cry. what else is there?

actually, i really wanted them to play the song 'The Boys Are Back' from High School Musical 3. YEAH that's such a good song!!!! When Zac Efron and Corbin Bleu are jumping around in the junkyard doing all those hott dance moves!!!!!! YES!!!!

i guess they would have had a hard time fitting that into the movie. ah well.


5. EVACUATE. i love that song 'Evacuate the Dance Floor.' it's so hott, right?? yep. i heard it tonight on the radio and said, 'i must remember to download that!' and i did!!! and i rocked out to it a lot. the second verse is my fave.

1. RECYCLE. everybody should do it! and, the other night i decided i needed to clean out my recycling closet. and i did. it didn't take very long which made me think, "wow, i really shouldn't have been putting this off since summertime, because it wasn't that bad." and then i thought, "i should make sure this doesn't get horrible again. i should buy trash cans."

and so on saturday, me and my dad went to the dreaded Wal-Mart and bought some trash cans. white ones. three of them. and they all fit into the closet!!!!! they look so cute.

and the best part! i thought, "hm, how am i going to remember which recycling product goes in each trash can?" and then i said, "i will paint them!!!" and so i took off the lids and painted on them in teal, lime green and coral paint. i am very excited about it. and i will post pictures once they are all finished. i'm stuck on a design for one of them. i will keep you updated. but, definitely expect pictures because i'm so excited about it.

7. YO DAWG. ok, you know this band, Paper Tongues, who is currently touring with Crash Kings. i've talked about them a few times. they are this tiny band from Charlotte, NC. actually, not that tiny because there are SEVEN OF THEM. anyways. RANDY JACKSON is their manager! now, i read this and thought, "they must mean a different Randy Jackson." surely not the guy from American Idol. but NO! it IS. IT IS the one from American Idol!! is that crazy or what? Randy Jackson is their manager. so then i decided i needed to investigate further.

and i watched this video of RJ on MTV News and apparently one of the guys in the band saw him randomly and was like, "hey man, you have to hear my band!" and he gave him a demo CD and Randy Jackson WENT CRAZY OVER IT. like, seriously. and then made all the good things happen.

anyways. i just thought that was super insane. does anyone else think that? doesn't it just seem weird? but, good for the band, i guess.

i saw this acoustic performance of one of their songs on youtube, and i'm a little scared. the lead singer goes insane. cause he's like, 'rap-singing.' and he just goes out of his mind with vocal and energy. i'm like, "whoa man, what is this going to be like live, and not acoustic!?!?" yikes. but probs in a good way.

4. NAVY. not only do i love the name Navy for a girl, i also love the store Old Navy. and i went there on tuesday evening. you know how i'm not having a great month? well, i'm not. and i read my horoscope for monday and it said, "you need some retail therapy right now. it's okay to pamper yourself." and so i said, "okay, if i have to go shopping - i will." and i needed to return something at Old Navy anyways.

so, i went on tuesday after staff meeting. i left around 4pm. and i was hungry. so, i stopped at Dunkin Donuts. my favorite one off of exit 13 on I-89. and i walk in, and it's my favorite guy behind the counter. i first saw him on Halloween, when i stopped on my way home. and we talked for a while about our Halloween plans. and i said i was going home to Maine. and he said his ex-girlfriend was from Maine. whatever. he probably remembers none of this. but, i was very excited to see him.

JULIE: I'll have a medium iced coffee with raspberry, please.
DD WORKER: Cream and sugar?
JULIE: Yes please.
DD WORKER: Do you want your sugar melted?
JULIE: That'd be great!
DD WORKER: Anything else?
JULIE: Ummm.....yeah..... I think I'll get an egg and cheese english muffin.
DD WORKER: (laughs) I know, it's a hard decision. A bagel? A croissant?! An english muffin!?
JULIE: It is a hard decision! It's like I'm hungry but I don't know what I want.
DD WORKER: Ha, welcome to my life everyday at work! I have all these choices, but I can never decide! There's so much food.
JULIE: That sounds terrible. Is it free or do you have to pay for it?
DD WORKER: Everything except muffins and coolattas are free. It's pretty good.
JULIE: Awesome.

and that was my lovely experience with the dunkin donuts worker. i've seen him a lot. he reminds me of someone. and i can't tell whether it's a real person i know, or a celeb. maybe a bit of Eric Murphy from Entourage. anyways.

so, i get to Old Navy and return my item. and then i see this rack of "boyfriend cardigans" and they are only $15. again, i don't understand this trend of "wear clothes like your boyfriend," BUT, if my boyfriend had some of these clothes, i would steal them. so, once again, it makes sense. and i'm looking at the cardigans and this employee comes up to me,

EMPLOYEE: Can I help you find anything?
JULIE: No thanks! I'm alright for now.
EMPLOYEE: Well, you've probably seen our signs, but just so you know, everything on clearance is an additional 50% off.
JULIE: Really?
EMPLOYEE: Yeah! This is the last day! It was supposed to end last week, but they extended it to today!
JULIE: Wow, that's awesome! Thanks so much!

so THAT was exciting. although i only ended up buying one clearance item. originally $24. on clearance for $10. i got it for $5. good deal, eh!?

and throughout my time in Old Navy, the music selection was tops. (yes, i just said 'tops') it was just great and so enjoyable. there was this one song at the beginning that i loved and said, "oo i have to remember this!" but then i immediately forgot it. and then while i was checking out, there was another song that i totally loved! and i had it stuck in my head in the car and i said, "i think i'll write down these lyrics!" so i did:

it's all i, it's all i believe

that's what i wrote down. and i got home, searched for the song on my computer. and there was absolutely nothing. i searched and searched and searched for this song. i was even so desperate i started doing searches like, "old navy store song playlist 2010." nothing. UNTIL. i found this huge Old Navy Employees Myspace page. and they have a looooong discussion on the music in Old Navy stores. basically where people post lyrics to songs they remember, and then the old navy employees go and try and find the list of songs in their store. this is for realz.

but nobody had posted the lyrics i had written down, which was like, the main chorus of the song. so, i think i'll wait a little longer.

my other option: i think i need to exchange an item i bought on tuesday. and i'll be driving through concord on saturday, so i could stop in and do it then. and if i do, i could ask them about the store playlist. do you think that's normal?

there is really good music in Old Navy. that is a proven fact. someone out there should do their DIV 3 on it. Old Navy has been the only place where i've heard a Rooney song in public. yep. they played 'When Did Your Go Missing' and it was awesome.

so, there's the music thing.

ALSO: when i was checking out the lady said,

EMPLOYEE: Do you want to open an Old Navy card and save 10%?
JULIE: Um, no thanks, I have my Gap Card.
EMPLOYEE: Oh, well, if you use your Gap Card, you still save 10%.
JULIE: Really, why?
EMPLOYEE: It's Tuesday.
JULIE: Oh yeah!!!! Wow! I totally didn't remember that!!!!
OTHER EMPLOYEE: And this is the last Tuesday for that deal! It's been going on all month!
JULIE: That's great.

so - i ended up saving 10%! but! how lucky was i to go shopping on that day?! the last day for the 50% off clearance and also the last day for the 10% off tuesdays!!!! thanks, horoscope. :)

(i feel that the Old Navy story and the Dunkin Donuts story should have been separate. that ended up being long, sorry.)

3. TEQUILA. ok. i know you're sick of me talking about Crash Kings. but, too bad! they're my current fave! and you're used to me non-stop talking about whatever my current fave is.

so, the other night i was listening to this radio interview that the guys did in Chicago. before their first show of this tour. so like, at the beginning of january, i think. and it was such a great interview. they were so funny. they talked about being from Boston a lot. and then Mike did a boston accent, which was funny. but it was such a "guy interview." like, they talked about smoking pot, getting drunk on bourbon, and naked girls. lovely, right? throughout all this, i know i should have been disgusted, but no, i was continually charmed.

so, while they're talking about how much they love to drink beer and whiskey, Tony chimes in and says,

TONY: Actually, I really love tequila.

and IMMEDIATELY i remembered my crazy dream from many weeks ago where i was doing tequila shots with Tony!!! and i had completely forgotten about it until he mentioned that he loved tequila!!!!

and then they start talking about how they think that people at their concerts should do at least one shot per song. and then the radio host was like,

RADIO HOST: Or, they could buy you some shots!
CRASH KINGS: Even better!

so this got me thinking...

should i offer to buy tony a shot of tequila?!?! i could be like, "hey man (because that's how i address all rockstars, if you ask robert schwartzman) i had this crazy dream where we were doing tequila shots, so i'd love to buy you one!" is that insane? or is it destiny?!?!

i think it's probably insane. right? it's crazy. i would get too nervous. i'll definitely tell him that we're going to the show in providence. and i might ask him about his tattoo.

YIKES!!! the thought of talking to rockstars. i mean, why wouldn't they be out after the show? well, they weren't out after the Rooney show. but, i think that was because their parents were there and they only had a few hours until they left again. but, after their show in Boston on sunday, they don't have another show until the one in providence on thursday. so, clearly they will just be hanging out at home. (love the thought of that)

and i remember they weren't out after the Rooney show because the Tally Hall guys were, and i remember thinking, "i really wish those Crash Kings guys were out too." because i totally would have told them how much i instantly loved their show.

anyways. i probably won't offer to buy Tony a shot on sunday. maybe on Thursday. because kara and i won't have far to go after the Prov show.

i've also never had a shot of tequila. i've had very strong margaritas. i should probably do a practice shot before the real shot with Tony.

what?! what am i even talking about. this is a PG blog. let's move on...

2. PRINCESS. so, my dad stayed with me from friday night until monday morning. and then he went on his new adventure. he moved back to Canada! he has arrived safely and is so far having fun. he's on Vancouver Island. the west coast. i was really dreading having say goodbye to him. i set my alarm (which didn't go off) to wake me up at 5:30am on monday, because he wanted to leave by 5:45am. and i kept imagining the scene from A Little Princess where her father leaves her at the school and she's running her hands over his face and he says,

CAPTAIN CREWE: What are you doing? Memorizing me by heart?
SARA CREWE: No... I already know you by heart.

that part makes me cry so hard. that part, and then again at the end when her father doesn't remember her. oh that freaking movie! it's so good! and it's the only movie where i cry absolutely every time.

and i'm gonna be honest with you - i've cried a lot this week. this month. everything is just kind of making me sad. and yes, this month has been hard. especially after being on cloud 9 all of december. maybe i do need a shot of tequila on the 31st with a gorgeous rockstar.

and i'm really excited to go see my mom this weekend. i feel like i really need her.

but, i made my dad a killer playlist for his journey. i worked so hard picking out perfect songs and making sure they were in the perfect order.

the mix started with Ben Lee's song 'Begin' and it ended with Ben Folds' song 'Landed.' perf, i think.

i'm hoping to go out to visit my Canadian half in April/May. i really hope it happens because i'm already getting excited. <3

OK, so i know i've already covered everything on the list, but i have ONE MORE QUICK THING TO talk about.

8. BLINKING. so today, i took a resident for a baby ultrasound. i had never been to one of these before, so i was pretty excited. and, we get to the room, and it's super cool to see the baby inside! he's so little!

but then! we get a really great view of his face, and we can see his eyes blinking!!!!!! it was incredible. we could actually see his eyes opening and closing!!!! so crazy and so amazing. it was weird to think that we were watching him on the tv screen, but he was still inside and we couldn't actually see him. it was great. it was the best, actually.

ALRIGHT! i know that was long. but, i think enjoyable. i've covered everything that was on my list. and then some.

it's currently 12:44am thursday morning. i'm going to eat supper and watch more Tell Me You Love Me.

have great days. and a great morning and a great night! i've missed you. glad we are talking. until next time...

...thinking about the city
it's living proof people need to be together



  1. yes you are awesome today, xoxox

  2. Paper Tongues is AMAZING live. You definitely have to see them when they come on tour to where you live. I've seen them a couple times, and that energy that the singer Aswan exudes is ten-fold on a stage in front of excited fans!!

  3. thank you for the list of things you were going to talk about...i only read this because of clive owen...but still...i read it!
