Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i can't believe it's only wednesday

that's how i felt all night at work. it was like, "what? this is only midweek!?"

it was bad. bad night at work. i just felt crappy and angry the whole time. two feelings i haven't felt in a while. remember my december?

lucky to have courtney there with me. somehow we survived.

there was one good thing that happened:

i had my coat on and was walking out the door when one of the little girls said to me,

TODDLER: Bye Julie!
JULIE: Bye! I'll see you later!
TODDLER: I need a kiss.
JULIE: Ok! (i went over and gave her a kiss)
TODDLER: I need a hug!!
JULIE: Oh, alright! (so i gave her a hug too)

then she told me that her little sister needed a kiss and hug too. good thing i was right there. it was the sweetest.

anyways. enough about work!!! more about plaid.

MY RED PLAID SHIRT ARRIVED TODAY. wednesday. the 13th. it was a joyous day.

and i wore it!!!! all night. and i think it's pretty hott. it's really comfortable. i felt totes fashionable even through a not so great night. and what more could you want?

so, here's the thing: i came home from work and immediately put on my sweats. and then i remembered later that i had promised a picture in the shirt.

so, i forgot. so you'll have to take my word that i wore it.

but NEXT TIME i will post a picture. promise. heck, maybe i'll even have an impromptu photo shoot sometime soon with the shirt.

anyways. that was a great part about today.

also a great part about today? the guy working at the post office handed me my netflix BEFORE I EVEN GOT TO THE COUNTER. it was like he saw me coming around the corner and went to get them for me.

this made me so happy.

also, at the bank they told me that i was preapproved for a credit card! that wasn't very exciting. i just kind of ignored it. whatevs.

it's really fun hanging out with my dad. friday night i'm going to cook Julie's Famous Coconut Mango Chicken with Black Beans and Coconut Rice meal.

i bet i know what you're thinking......"but julie, haven't you only cooked that meal once before?" and my answer to that is, "yes. yes i have only cooked it once before. but it was that good and that's what it's famous after only one time."

ha! i win again.

man. i keep sneezing. and blowing my nose like, every other minute.

remember the other night when i got sneezed and coughed on? yeah. i think that's catching up with me.

i think i'm actually going to go to bed soon. it's 2:23am. that's an earlyish time to go to bed.

HEY! Crash Kings are in Chicago right now!!! and they're on a radio show sometime today. it's an internet radio show called FEARLESS RADIO and they're on at 5pm. i'm assuming that's Chicago time.

i'm hoping i can listen later because i'll be at work. MAN i will be excited when this work week is over. meaning, thursday night at 10pm. i haven't felt that way in a long time.

but YOU should listen at 5pm! if you're in chicago. or, 6pm if you're on the east coast. or, 3pm if you're on the west coast!!! did i do that time zoning right!?!

ok. i'm tired and stuffy. Ruby is already asleep on my bed. she's such a cutie. i think she's also very happy that my dad is staying because she has someone to hang out with while i'm at work.

have a great thursday!!!!! i hope i do. and i hope courtney does.

i'll talk to you all later.

be well. take care. no worries.


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