I'm permanently black and blue, permanently blue for you...
Been listening to this song, 'Bruises' by Chairlift a lot. I put it on a new mix that I made. It's really fun to sing along to. It was on that iPod commercial a while back where all the colors started melting....
I listen to that song and think it's funny, because it's about how loving someone leaves you with bruises, because you keep falling for them. (get it? FALLING for them?) Essentially the same message that the Ben Folds/Lee/Kweller song, 'Bruised' leaves you with. Only, that song is so much more sad seeming. Like, '
who would ever want to fall in love because it just leaves you with bruises."
Whereas the other song is more, "
aw cute! I'm falling for you!!"
I've felt a mix of both songs lately.
OMG I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG. Whaaatttt is my problem?! IDK!
Ummmmmmm I GOT ASSOCIATE OF THE MONTH AT EDDIE BAUER! Did I tell you that?! It happened!! They were so excited about my enthusiasm and the excellent job I did during the first floorset I was a part of. Plus, my selling numbers were phenom. TRUE STORY. I kind of felt like a rockstar. Still do, actually.
I was sick last week. Yeah! I had a cold. At the beginning of the week. For the first two days, I thought it was allergies. I was like, sniffly and sneezy, but other than that, I felt fine. Which is the burden of allergies. And then I woke up Monday morning and was like, BLAHHHHH. It was over pretty quick, though. Like, I was feeling a lot better by Wednesday.
WEIRD - because it was THIS TIME LAST YEAR that I had that other
super bad cold. If you read that post from last year, you'll notice how I say that that cold was "borderline flu." NASTY. Also, that post contains some VERY CUTE PHOTOS of Ruby Tuesday sleeping upside down on the couch.
(Currently, I'm writing this entry on a bed, and Ruby is sleeping next to me under the covers. Best. Cat. Ever.)
I read a few entries from 'this time last year' and I was also having to sleep with the baby monitor in my bed, which can make for lack of sleep. Also, I blogged that a baby spit up and sneezed on me, which can account for sickness.
Man, I do not miss having to have that baby monitor on all the time. Well, when there was a new baby in the house. Especially sleeping with it in bed with me.
**sleeping with the monitor in the bed with me... NOT the baby. babies should always sleep in their cribs. on their backs.**
I realized I do miss babies, though. I realized this when Greg and I were over his friend's house, and they have babies, and I held one of them for a really long time. It was awesome. Super cute babies. It was the first time I had held a baby since leaving Hannah House. I don't know. Maybe it felt like a "full circle" thing.
I was thinking about my last night at Hannah House the other night. Because I was crying, and I was thinking of all the times I've cried this year. And, one of them was when I left Hannah House. I cried for a while in the car with my mom. And we stopped at Kohl's on our way home. And the internet was broken. And Keith called me and I listened to 90's music and talked to him on the phone for like an hour. And then I felt better. That turned into a good night.
While I was crying the other night I was also thinking about all the times that I've been crying and actually thought that I would never stop. There have only been three times like that. Two for bad reasons, one for a good reason. They've all occurred in the past two years.
"Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry..."
So, it's fall again. "I can't believe a year went by so fast." (can anyone name that song?!?!?)
'So, I fall again,' would have been a better way to say it. Ha, ha.
I saw a sign today in downtown Berwick for a haunted house in Lebanon. This was the first time EVER that I saw a sign for a haunted house and thought, "ooo fun!" WHY?? IDK. Maybe I can find someone to go with me, who would also protect me if I got scared. Halloween is like, over a month away. I've got time.
OK - something that you HAVE to do is go watch this SNL clip from like a million years ago. It's the '
Irish Home Makeover.' Liam Neeson is the host. My mom literally will quote this skit every chance she gets. And every time she does it, we all start laughing and then have to go find the video online. It's Seth Meyers as "Buildin' Finn McQuinn" and he's like, hosting a home makeover show in Ireland. It's kind of hilarious.
But, we watched a Liam Neeson movie the other night, and then started talking about the skit, had to go online and watch the video, etc, etc... and now I'm posting the link for you. Seriously - watch it.
Speaking of TV - New Girl is on tonight!!! I know a lot of people who are really excited about this. Maybe more like a handful of people. But still - it's very exciting.
Ok. Now I kind of feel like I'm just talking about totally random, unrelated stuff. And you guys are all like, "ummm yeah like always, duhhh!!" Because you all talk like valley girls. I knew it!
I've been having weird dreams lately!!!!
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was driving and I hit and killed a chipmunk.
And then the next night I had a dream that a very shiny, silver gun was being pointed at my head.
Two things I don't like: guns and chipmunks.
Josh recommended that I go to a firing range to get over the fear of guns.
OH!! Something I have to do:
- email Josh
- email Courtney
I owe them both life updates. As well as Maria.
- Maria
Actually, I owe a lot of people life updates. It's amazing to think that I actually have more stuff to say OUTSIDE of this blog. Or like, things that actually matter...(??) But, yes. There are SOME things I don't talk about in the blog.
- also, Jenn.
If you are one of those people and are reading - know that I HAVEN'T forgotten about you!!! I'm just very lazy.
Oh - getting back to the dreams:
To see a chipmunk in your dream suggests that you are holding onto the past and need to let it go.Yes, and in my dream I killed the chipmunk with my car.
To see a gun in your dream symbolizes aggression, anger, and potential danger. You may be dealing with issues of passiveness/aggressiveness and authority/dependence. Alternatively, a gun represents the male sexual drive.Hmm. This one is more complicated. Actually, considering the gun was pointed at my head... I'm coming up with some interesting theories that means the dream would have been foreshadowing... It was a nice looking gun.
I had a foreshadowing dream a few weeks ago. It was weird. I dreamed that one of our old neighbors that I haven't seen in probably 10 years came into the store while I was working. And, lo and behold - it happened! Weird, right?
Actually, I just remembered my dream from last night. Hm.
OK. That might be all I have to talk about. Believe it or not. Although, I feel as thought I haven't really said anything.
I'm finding I have more of a crush on Tim Riggins during season 2 of Friday Night Lights than I did during season 1. I should have highlighted that with like a **NEWSFLASH** sign, or something. Important info, right here.
I'm in a great mood today. Although, I'm super tired. But, I've had a really great day. Really great.
OK. That's it. I might go take a shower now. We shall see.
Hope you all are having an equally great day! And a great night! Don't forget to watch New Girl! I think it's on FOX!
In honor of Zooey, and my great mood - here's a link to one of my fave She & Him songs!
Sweet Darlin'Great song.
There's been a lot of media in this post. Enjoy it!