Sunday, April 22, 2012

HAIR CHALKING!!!! Tutorial AND MORE!!!!!!


I chalked my hair.  Lucky for you - I took pictures the whole time!!!!!  So now you know what to do!!

**WARNING** The outcome is pretty hott.  Get ready to feast your eyez. 


SOFT CHALK:  I admit, I felt pretty cool over in the "fine arts" supplies section of the store.  "Why yes, I am an artist.  Find me on Draw Something!"  I chose the pack with 24 vibrant colors.  It was about $11.  MAKE SURE you get SOFT CHALK PASTELS.  DO NOT get oil chalk or whatever.  Apparently it makes your hair very sticky.  


Seen here.  (Yes, that is my Tom's of Maine 'Silly Strawberry' toothpaste in the background... don't judge.)



Both seen here.  I chose my Brixham Danceworks t-shirt.  I never wear it and it's kind of stained from being so old.  Also, dry hair.  



Using the water, wet a strand of hair.  This is the strand of hair you will be chalking, so choose wisely!  It can be ANY section!  Leave no section behind!

Once the hair is wet, pick a color!!  I chose TEAL!!!!!  OBVI.  Then, just color on your hair!  A lot! 


FIRST, color on your hair as you hold the section normal.  
THEN, twist the section of hair, and color it again.  I read that chalking the hair on a twisted section releases the pigment more.  Seemed to work!



ALL COLORS WELCOME!!!!  I went a little 'chalk-crazy.'  I used two shades of teal, hott pink, purple and finished it off with a bright orange underneath!  Why the heck not?

THEN,  you wait for it to dry.  Maybe like, 20 or so minutes.
THEN, you take your least favorite comb and comb through it.  *THIS PART IS MESSY.*
THEN, you take your hair straightener (or other heat device....iron?) and set the color.  The chalk washes right off anything you get it on, so no worries.  I'm about the messiest person in the world and I managed to come out of this rather clean.  


Now comes the part where I have a photoshoot with my new, trendy, super hott chalked hair!






 Yep.  then came the glasses.


Gotta throw up the peace sign.

I kinda like that last one.  It's kinda sexy?  Maybe?  Maybe not.  Who am I kidding?  

It sucks that we don't have one room in the house where the lighting is good, haha.  I think it came out pretty good.  It's REALLY dry.  And it's not as bright as I would have wanted.  It's also so dry I feel like I can't do anything with it.  Hm.

OVERALL - It's great if you need color in a pinch.  Which, I understand.  

I don't know how long it's going to stay in for.  It seems like it's already super fading.  

I want long-term results.  So, in the future.... I'm probably just gonna cave in and buy some dye.  BUT, I'll probably ask Gemma if she can do it.  I do really like the multicolors!  Maybe instead of just teal, I could do a few colors.  

I guess FIRST I have to find out if this is okay to have at work, haha.  The last time, I didn't ask... I just did it.  Luckily, it was fine.  Then I got to Eddie Bauer and they were like, NOOOOOOO.  Which was why I took out the teal :'-(  BUT NOW, I'm only gonna be working at EB like one day a week... and I can hide it for one day a week.  We'll see.  

OKAY!!  That was my hair chalking experience.  If you end up chalking your hair - let me know how it goes!!!!!  Seems to work on any/most hair colors!!!

IF YOU HAVE BLONDE HAIR - you're NOT supposed to wet your hair beforehand, as this will cause STAINING.  Unless you want it to be more permanent, in which case, YOU ROCK.  But otherwise, you can just put it on dry, and I'm assuming still set it with heat.  

REMEMBER - if the color gets on your hair straightener or iron - it washes right off!  Don't fret!

Alright, friends!  Hope you're having a great, rainy Sunday!  This is probably the worst day to chalk your hair, because I'd imagine it washes right out in the rain.  Good thing I'm an indoor girl.  ;-) 


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Eddie Bauer wouldn't let you rock the teal! Don't they realize that a super hott girl with awesome hair would help sell so many more clothes? They really need marking advice.
