Saturday, April 21, 2012

heeyyy i heard you were a wild one

Have any of you been on Blogger?  It's totally different.  Like, the format is totally different.  It might take some getting used to.  Is the font different?!?!  I have no idea.  I'm all confused. 


So, I know the last video blog I posted was pretty sad and everything.   It was hard for me.  But, I have amazingly awesome people in my life and I got some really nice messages afterwards.  So, thank you.  Thank you, everybody.  It has been a rough couple weeks. 

Maria ended up coming home :-)  We went to Brittany's funeral on Wednesday.  It was really tough.  Lots of people from high school.  That was actually really nice.  Hadn't seen a lot of those people in a loonnggg time.  Probably either since graduation.. or Savannah's funeral.  It was so sad.  But, I'm glad that I went... if that makes sense. 

Brittany and I were friends when we were little, and my mom and I were talking about things that we remembered about her and everything... and my mom remembered that Brittany had come to one of my birthday parties in like first grade, or something, and her dad dropped her off at our house, and her older sister Lindsey was with them, and they had just gotten a ferret, and they brought the ferret to the house and everyone was so excited.  And my mom said she just remembered being really freaked out that a ferret was in the house haha.  After she told me that story, I totally remembered it.  And then one of the pictures they had of Brittany on display at the funeral was her with the ferret.  That made me smile.  :-) 

I've been going to a lot of BIRTHDAY PARTIES!!!!!!  Well, two.  Meg's at the beginning of the month and then Katie's last weekend!!!!!!!! 

I can't believe that's the only picture I got!  The party was at Meg's house.  That's Meg in the blue, our friend Mike in the background and Meg's husband Matt taking the picture with the iPhone.  Kara made that cake!  Yum!  That was a really fun night.  Meg, Danielle, Kara and I had LOTS of girl talk.  Always needed, always fun.


So, Katie's birthday party was on April 14th, which was the day the Titanic hit the iceberg.  So naturally, she had a Titanic birthday party!!!  haha.  I was really worried about a costume, because I didn't have anything.  I thought for a minute that I'd go as Captain Smith, obvi.  But then I heard that nobody was actually going in full costume.  BUT I HAD TO WEAR SOMETHING TITANIC RELATED!!!!

So I dug through my jewelry box until I found my own little Heart of the Ocean necklace, that Maria's mom made me in 6th grade:

And I knew that you wouldn't believe that I ACTUALLY owned a mini-replica Heart of the Ocean... so I had to take a picture ;-)  I can't tell if my hair looks really good or really greasy in that picture.  Maybe you'll decide....?

Here is Katie blowing out a strawberry shortcake birthday cupcake (they were DELISH)::


LOVES IT.  haha.  That's actually a pretty good photo montage.  

It was a fun party.  We had jello shots.  I had never had jello shots.  WHYYYY HAD I NEVER HAD JELLO SHOTS BEFORE?!?!?!?!!  THEY ARE SO FREAKING GOOD.  

Dear Everyone,

Let's eat jello shots all the time.


Ok.  Moving on..

CUTE PICTURE OF CHOWDER.  This was the day Maria left.  Chow was sad.  

CUTE, SLEEPY pictures of Ruby Tuesday.  Yep - she's the best.  Seriously.  She's my favorite thing.

So, if you haven't noticed... I'm going through this period where I feel like I need to redefine myself.  At least, that's how I'm viewing it.  It started with SPONTANEOUSLY piercing my ears after 26 years of non pierced ears.  Then I cut my hair.  

Actually, I think it started with the new blog.  The video blogs... feeling more exposed... more open.  More spontaneous?  I don't know. 

BUT ANYWAYS - I want my teal hair back.  That's the whole point of all this.  I. WANT. MY. TEAL. HAIR. BACK.  

I miss that hair so much. 

BUT - I'm not sure if I'm ready to get back into the dying again.  That was a lot of stress on my hair.  With the bleaching... and then the tealing.  SO - I don't know if you've heard of this hair chalk trend...??  

BUT I THINK I'M GONNA TRY IT!!!!  Like, tomorrow!  Meaning Sunday!  Maybe meaning today, depending on when you read this!!!!  

When I'm done, it should look something like this:


HA.  Kidding.  It won't come out that good.   But that's the pretty idea!  And it's very temporary.  

I mean, I'm already half as cool as the girl in the second picture:

YEP.  That's me - RIGHT NOW.  As I'm typing this.  We're both wearing glasses.  That's right - I thought I had lost this awesome pair of fake glasses - BUT I FOUND THEM.  And they're coming back.  Along with the chalked hair.  

And once I get my compass tattoo???  Well, I might just be the coolest person alive.  ;-)

So, that's what's happening.  Apparently with the chalk, you wet your hair, put the chalk in, let it air dry, and then set it with a hair straightener.  

DON'T WORRY - I will do a photo diary.  And I will post it.  And it will be like you were here for the hair chalking.  I think you can just get it at like, JoAnn's.  :-)  And I have coupons.  :-D

SOOOOOOOOO I don't know if you saw on Facebook.... BUT WE TOTALLY WON TRIVIA LAST WEEK.  


THAT'S RIGHT.  I made that picture extra big because obviously it's the most important.  The hats we are wearing WERE THE PRIZES.  Because we won.  FIRST PLACE.  

We totally killed it.  We were team Sweatpants Boner.  That's right.  It's funny.  My idea.  

Back row, L to R:
Ian, Kara, Brittany, Jeff, Julie

Front row:

KILLER.  Before trivia, Nikki had told me that she dedicated a trivia round to me.  But she wouldn't tell me any more than that.  Nonetheless - I WAS SO FREAKING EXCITED.  Like, FREAKING EXCITED.  

It was the second round.  Every.  Question.  Dedicated.  To.  Me.  She said after that she was taking notes while watching my video blogs and then turned them into trivia questions haha.  

For instance, 

- What is the capital of Vermont??  REMEMBER THAT WAS MY BLOG TRIVIA QUESTION?!?!?!  Yep!

- Who was the first director of the FBI????  REMEMBER IT WAS J. EDGAR HOOVER!!!!!!!!  

- What day did the Titanic sink????????  APRIL 15, 1912, 2:20am.  (We thought adding the time might give us an extra point... but it didn't, haha.)

- Which actor has a solo music project called Coconut Records???!!!?!?!?!?!?  UM ONLY MY BOYFRIEND JASON SCHWARTZMAN. 

Yeah, those were some of the questions.  Nikki is pretty much my new favorite person in the whole world.  I was literally freaking out.  I can't remember the last time I was that excited.  

Oh wait.... getting that White Star Line boarding pass/ticket holder at the movies the day before.  Yeah.  THAT was awesome.  I get excited a lot.  

Can't wait for trivia this week!!!!!!

I also wanted to share with you some screencaps of a training video I watched at work on Friday.  So, I had some more video training to finish up.... like.... seven hours worth.  OMG.  It was painful.  Like, PAINFUL.  

But, the last video I watched was particularly strange... it was part of an environmental series.  And, it was all about fish.  Right at the introduction screen I thought to myself, "I think I'm gonna want to photo-document this..." so, I did.  

I only took select screens... but they were all gems.  I really couldn't tell you anything that the video was really about... I was just in awe of all this information about fish.  Let's learn:

Obviously, she's a fish doctor...??  Like, why is there a doctor in the last screen?!?!  I feel like it should be a grocery store seafood counter worker.  

I also loved "the fish module," haha.  Because all the other modules I had to watch are like, "The Abortion Pill module," "Intimate Partner Violence module," "Early Pregnancy Loss module," and then it's "The Fish module," haha.  Like, WTF??  

 Annddd... I just really wanted to share that experience with you.  

FRIDAY NIGHT was fun!  We went out for GEMMA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!  

 That's me and Brittany.  We drank champagne in the VIP lounge.  True story.  And we danced our little hearts out.  It was fun fun fun.  I love Brittany.  I can't even tell you how great it is to have her around again.  

Look at that great picture.  Look at that great sweater I'm wearing.  

BACK ROW, L to R:  
Jenny, Jeff, Maria

Brenda, Brittany, Julie

Kevin is in the red t-shirt.  We were in Friendy's there, haha.  And it doesn't look like it's after the alumni concert.... did we all just meet at Friendly's???  Was this still in high school??  Look at Jeff - what a stud.  Yeah, I miss those days.  Can we please all meet at Friendly's again?

Anyways.  I think that's about it.  It feels good to do an old-timey blog post in written form.  It's funny, because doing a written post takes me sooooo muchhhh longerrrrrrr, but watching a video post takes you sooo muchhhhh longerrrrrr.  I'll try and keep a happy medium of both.  I wanted to share all these pictures with you, which was why I took the written route.  

HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY!!!!  I think I will.  I have laundry to do, and I'm gonna try the hair chalking.  I'll take pictures so you can see the whole process.  You're excited, right???  Come on, I know you are.  

Talk to you soon, friends!!!!  


1 comment:

  1. You're such a badass! haha
    I've seen that hairchalking thing on Pinterest, and I've always wanted brighter colors in my hair, but I've never bleached it, so when I dye it it's always dark. Also, I have really sensitive skin so my scalp is always so itchy after coloring it (though my hair always feels AWESOME with the special conditioners just for coloring hair).
    I LOVE JOANN'S COUPONS. I literally just looked through mine 'cause I need to buy pinking shears, which are way more expensive than they need to be. module? What the heck?

    p.s. Sweatpants Boner? AWESOME, haha.
