Sunday, April 15, 2012

thoughts... and breakdown

Friends, this is a tough one...

gather up my soul and then
give a piece to all my friends
let them know i tried my best
to keep the love and burn the rest

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Julie. :'( I'm so so so sorry for both your losses. It's hard losing a friend at any age, but especially when they're so young. And all you want to do is fix whatever happened to them, and find a way to help and hug their friends and family and make everything okay again.
    It's so hard.
    Again, I'm so sorry. =/

    On a kind of sad note...I have never seen Titanic. A couple scenes, yes, and I know Gaelic Storm (such a fun band to see live!) was the band on the ship in the movie, which should make me want to watch it more, but...I just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe we'll have to do a movie night or something. =]

    Also...on one of our date nights, Kevin picked Away We Go for us to watch and it was the cutest fricken' movie ever. I lovelovelove John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph, and it makes me happy someone else has seen it. My favorite part is when he runs around Maggie Gylenhaal's (I know I didn't spell that right) kitchen with the kid in the stroller, yelling "You'll never have that much fun again until you discover oral pleasure!" hehehe. So silly.

    Anyways, I hope this week is better. It makes me sad to see you so sad, 'cause you're usually such a happy person, but it's completely understandable with what's happened.

    Stay well, Julie. You give all of us something to look forward to reading/watching during a boring work week. I'm glad we're friends, and I hope we can go on some sort of adventure soon. =]
