Monday, July 6, 2009

people vs. cheese

i know, it's not even 10am and i'm already awake and posting. that's because i had to get up at 6am and drive to concord, new hampshire. stay there for ten minutes. and then drive back. it didn't really feel like a lot of driving. it was 122 miles total. i think it's not as bad because i was driving the work van and not my car. everything just feels better not in my car.

so before i left this morning i packed a snack and a drink for myself. a little bag of my Star Trek cheese-its and some raspberry tea. i was sooo looking forward to enjoying them on the ride home.

and, i drove down with a resident, but drove back by myself, so i was alone now. and i got out my iPod and connected it to the radio thing. that was nice.

and i'm eating my cheese-its and just kind of thinking about them. there are two flavors in the box, Sharp Cheddar and Parmesean. they go together nicely.

so then i start thinking, 'did they make these the Star Trek flavors because they remind someone of Kirk and Spock?'

SO THEN, i spent probably a good fifteen minutes trying to decide what cheese Kirk and Spock would be, if they were Sharp Cheddar and Parmesean.

first, i immediately thought Spock would be Sharp Cheddar. because he's sharp like a tack. and Kirk has a little more flavor, a little more edge, like Parmesean.

and i had a pretty heated internal debate. i'm kidding, it wasn't heated. but, i went back and forth a few times.

but the deciding question i asked myself was this: "if Parmesean were a person, would it have pointy ears?" and i decided: Yes. yes it would have pointy ears.

and so it was finished:

Spock = Parmesean
Kirk = Sharp Cheddar

and....that has been The Most Useless Thing You Will Hear All Day. Thanks for joining! See you next time.

i guess the funny part is, i technically was being paid to think that that stuff. and to listen to Lovegame on repeat. i'd like to play the lovegame with kirk and spock. oooo that's another entry...

so, then my iPod kind of crashed. i was upset and worried. my iPod never crashes. and i immediately thought, "oh no! the summer of crashing!!!" because i forgot to factor in my ipod into everything else in my life breaking. that would be a pretty hard blow.

and then i listened to Let the Sunshine In sung by the new cast of Hair. the cd was released quite recently and i only remembered it yesterday!!! if i had more money, i would have bought the whole cd. but, i only got that one song. and i listened to it. and it was great.

and then. something extraordinary and terrifying happened.

i saw three deer.

i saw three baby deer. not one. not even two. BUT THREE. my first immediate reaction was, "WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!?!!?!" they were walking across the street.

and then. now, maybe it was the fact that i was in an, "everything is beautiful, everything is love!" mood after listening to Hair. but after thinking that first thought, my second thought was, "awwww they can't even walk that well because they are babies!"

it was true! they were stumbley looking and very tiny. the one in the back really couldn't walk fast at all because he was so little. and, i felt compassion for the deer. for the first time in my life.

so, i don't know if this is a change of heart or what. i was surprised i felt this way. deer are my number one hated animal. which is a tension point for me and Kara because deer are her number one favorite animal.

but, i felt nice after. i didn't hate the deer. maybe because they were babies. i don't know. i guess i could tell you that i'll wait and see how i feel the next time i see a deer....but, i really hope that doesn't happen.

and i came home and Ruby Tuesday was waiting for me. she runs over to the door everytime i come home. and she starts crying and rolls over onto her back and stretches out on the floor. and then she always runs right to her food dish looking for more food. no matter what time it is. no matter when she has eaten last. she always wants more food.

her food schedule is as follows:

- half a packet of wet food around noontime
- half a packet of wet food between 5 - 7pm
- half a packet of wet food between 2 - 3am

but like, last night. i fed her at 7:30. by 9:30 her food bowl was licked completely clean and she was crying and crying for more. and she managed to open the cabinet where i keep her food and she climbed in. she's a smart one.

she's taking a nap right now. which i am going to go very shortly. i thought i could finish season one of heroes last night, but it got to be 2:30am and i was too tired. so, i have ONE MORE episode of season 1 and then i'm done!!! then i can start where i left off almost two years ago.

i just read the Claire Bennet will have a lesbian scene in the upcoming season. what?

so, i will finish season one tonight. start season two. and watch more of season two!!!! i'm excited and nervous!!

i hope you all have a lovely monday. it's blue skies here and i hope it is where you are too. wherever you may be. where are you?

i fashion my future on films in space,

1 comment:

  1. oh my god! how come you didn't pull over and try to hoax the baby deer into following you home? that's what i would have done! and yeah i'd be chilling with three baby deer instead of hanging around on my computer eating friendly's watermelon roll.
