Saturday, July 11, 2009


so remember how i was all out of hair conditioner? but, i decided to use body wash? yeah, that totes didn't work at all. my hair was a knotty mess.

but, i still did not want to spend $7.99 on hair conditioner. i could have totally bought a cheaper kind. but, i wanted to be stubborn.

so, i thought to myself, "i'm a creative and crafty person, i'll MAKE my own hair conditioner!!" so, i looked up some recipes. a lot of them called for olive oil, which i don't have. i have sunflower seed oil.

i found some recipes which called for mayo. that just grossed me out.
and then i found one that was mashed up banana mixed with honey. i had both of these things and thought this recipe sounded delish.

so, i mixed some up. while i was mixing i kept thinking, "wow, this looks like vom." but, i kept going.

i took a bath. and kept staring at the banana vom mixture sitting next to me. i shampooed my hair. lovely.

and then the time came for me to condition. i scooped some of the banana vom onto my hair. and then some more. and then some more.

mmmmm ddeelliicciioouuss.

it was slimey and chunky. but smelled great!

so then i washed it out and i had banana vom mixture all over the tub. gross. but, my hair felt pretty good. more conditioned than from the body wash.

so, i wrap my hair in a towel, as normal and continue to get dressed. i take my hair out of the towel and think, "wow julie, you are so great. this banana vomditioner was such a good idea."

and then i looked in the mirror. i had chunks of banana stuck everywhere in my hair.

i sulked, and walked back into the bathroom. and as i inspected further, saw that my hair was literally covered in bananas. tiny chunks of bananas. .U.G.H.

so, i rinsed my hair for about ten more minutes. chunks of banana were seeping out everywhere. it was jack nasty.

then i decided that a little banana never hurt anybody, so i shut off the water and again, wrapped my hair in a towel.

let it dry for a while. then inspected it again. i am still seeing tiny chunks, but not huge ones like before. it smells awesome, though.

so, conditioning my hair with banana probably won't happen again. i guess maybe now i'll go out and buy more.

or, try the mayo and oil mixture.....


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