Thursday, December 3, 2009

the blanket truth

i just watched the first two episodes of True Blood!!!! so far, so good. i like it a lot. geeze, Anna Paquin is seriously hott. i love her blonde hair.

so far, i think the show is pretty interesting. it's kind of paced like a movie. like, during the first episode i actually forgot it was a tv show. because it just felt like i was watching a feature length film.

and i REALLY love the music. there must be a soundtrack. it's totally beautiful.

and so far, i think the opening credit sequence is the creepiest thing about the show. although, it was pretty gross when she was drinking his blood. but, the opening credits are just plain spooky.
i'm bummed there are only 2 episodes per disc.

but! i was putting the disc into my dvd player and suddenly thought, "oooo this is an HBO show! i bet they'll have an emotionally charged opening montage of their tv shows and mini series!"

and they did!!!! i know i've talked about these montages before. and i've done extensive youtube and searching to try and find one to post for everybody. but i can't find one. but man, i love 'em.


VIRUS UPDATE ON MY COMPUTER: the computer is still "working." there's no sound. and i can't open Firefox anymore. (i'm on Safari right now) there's the big virus that infiltrated the other night, and since then, there have been littler virus popping up. those are trackable and delete-able. the first, big virus, i cannot seem to delete.

but, i'm going to visit my dad on saturday to see if he can lend some expertise.

UGH but the thing i hate most about these fake anti-virus viruses, is that i WISH they were real! because they look awesome! and so helpful! and just for one second i want to believe that they are not viruses and will actually help me out. but then i quickly snap back into reality.


so, last night i sat down to watch the past two weeks of Heroes. i got all ready and comfy and was really excited because the episode last week was called 'Thanksgiving' and i got really excited to picture the whole cast sitting around a big dining room table eating turkey. but, then the episode started to play, and i remembered that i have no sound on my laptop. so that was a major bummer. not even if i plug in my speakers.

so then i had to find something else to watch. and quick. i decided on I Heart Huckabees. me and Courtney were talking about J.Schwartz at work on wednesday night. and she said that her mom really liked Bored to Death. anyways, so i wanted to watch Huckabees.

so, i did. and, duh, i really enjoyed it. because it's super funny and there's a great score.

and then something really weird happened.

so, the movie ended. and i watched all the credits. and then it brought me to the special features menu. and the only special features are watching the movie with different commentary. and i saw that one commentary was with David Russell (the director), Jason, and Mark Wahlberg. and i thought, ".....yep."

and i hit the 'play' button again. and i thought to myself, "eh, i'll only watch like, 20 minutes of it."

but, the commentary started, and it was soooooooo funny and interesting.

in the first 15 minutes, i learned the David Russell went to Amherst College! he was talking about some professor he had when he was at Amherst. and i was like, "hold on - what?!!" so that i immediately IMDb'd it. true. awesome.

and then! something even weirder happened. they were talking about zen and meditation and all those peaceful things, and then David Russell says, "Jason, this is a lot of the things that your friend Ben Lee practices, and I'm sure you experienced some of it when you were on tour with him." and Jason was just like, "oh yeah, Ben Lee, yeah..."

but i was like, "what the what?!?" now they're talking about Ben Lee!!!!??? it was crazy. but, i got really excited about it.

it was a good commentary. i learned a lot.

but, technically i watched the movie twice in a row. like, right in a row. and after like, 4 hours had gone by, it hit me and i was like, "holy crap. i really have nothing else better to do."

after that, i forced myself to go to bed. it was like, 4:30am or something. i was actually a lot more tired than i thought i was. i slept from about 5am until my alarm went off at 6:22am. then i woke up and shut off the house alarm system. and then went back to sleep.

and then the phone woke me up at 7:47am. it was the director of the program. he was supposed to be in at 8, but he said he wouldn't be in until about 8:45.

so, i had to stay awake and go down to work. i was kind of bummed, but i was prepared in case it happened. and i ended up working from 8-9am. and man, it was super busy. i couldn't believe it.

then at 9am i went back to bed and slept until 1:13pm. then i was super efficient and got up, got ready and went to the post office. i got two movies.

went back home. hung around before work.

work from 3:30-10pm. it was a pretty easy breezy night. it was quiet. and i spent like, an hour and a half playing with a Jack in the Box and reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

A told B and B told C, 'i'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree!'
'wheeee!' said D to E F G, 'i'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree!'
chicka chicka boom boom! will there be enough room?

it's a cute book. and yes, i did that from memory.

hmmm. what else can i tell you?


so, one of the previews on Paper Heart was for this starz tv show called Party Down. has anyone heard of this? i just added it to my Netflix. it's basically like the entire cast of Veronica Mars. Vinnie Van Lowe, Dick Casablancas, Keith Mars, and the Dean. i can't remember the Dean's name. from season 3. PLUS: Lizzy Caplan AND Martin Starr.

it's a watch instantly thing so AS SOON as i get sound back on this laptop, or i get my new one, i will watch it.

i definitely didn't appreciate the hottness of Dick Casablancas until i rewatched season 1. and part of season 2.

speaking of casablancas.

JULIAN CASABLANCAS. i feel he is coming up in every aspect of my life right now. he used to be in The Strokes? he's still in The Strokes? i don't know. is that true? but, i feel like every which way i turn, there is some mention of Julian Casablancas. and how amazing his new record is.

and so i make the same promise, AS SOON as i get sound back on this laptop, or i get my new one, i will listen to his new record. do any of you listen to it?

what else can i talk about? hm. surprisingly not much has happened.

i'm hoping i can get to sleep early tonight because i have to wake up semi-early on friday to meet my mom. if i can go to bed by like, 2:30. wake up at 10:30. i should be ready to leave at like, 11:30ish.

actually. it's almost 2am right now. maybe i'm tired now.

man. i wish my sound was working. or, my computer in general, actually. if we can't get the computer to stop having viruses this weekend, i think i might just go to the Apple store. and just do it. just buy it already. it's a big purchase. i'm putting it off. but, i really need it and i really want it.

kind of like when i bought my tickets to Ireland. that was a big purchase too.

okay. my left eye is really itchy and really watery. i have to get up and put eye drops in. and it's not worth trying to move the laptop off of my lap, and then back on. it may crash, and i don't want to lose this entry.

so, i'm gonna sign off now. i hope you all have a wonderful end of the week!! friday yay! i'll talk to everybody later!!!



1 comment:

  1. I bought Season 2 of Flight of the Conchords on Black Friday (because it was $5 with my discount, and...well, come on), and there's a preview for True Blood that plays before the main menu and I kept saying "Who is that blonde girl?"

    Phew. Anna Paquin. You've saved me so much confusion. I like the blonde, though. Maybe I should go blonde.

    It's exactly what I did before realizing that Ellen Page was in X-Men 3. "Who the hell is that? I know her I know her...wait. NO!"

    Guess what Julie! Guess what guess what!


    It's a surprise!
