Wednesday, December 30, 2009

“The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul."

-- G.K. Chesterton

so, here it is. my grand list of things i have done in 2009:

- started a new blog
- got an ear piercing
- saw Kate Winslet finally win an Oscar
- became trained in water safety
- became first aid certified
- became certified in CPR for infants, children and adults
- officially became a resident of a new state
- traveled around Ireland
- was a bridesmaid in a wedding
- helped to deliver a baby
- got a new laptop
- was excited for an entire month (december)

hm. that's pretty good, i guess. considering my 2009 horoscope said i would have 9 unfavorable months.

and a (tentative) list of resolutions for 2010:

- read more
- wear more red plaid shirts
- write more letters
- write more fiction/one creative thing a day

great! i'll enjoy doing those four things for an entire year.

wow. that's a pretty good 2009 list.

and i JUST finished the first season of True Blood. whoa! Courtney is watching the first season on HBO on Demand. can't wait to talk to her about it once she's finished. aahh!!! so good.

and now, i'm going to watch more season 1 of Entourage. love. that. show.

talk to you later!!!!

in 24 hours it will be a new year!! now that's crazy.


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