I think it is simply because my life is not exciting. Yes, some exciting things happen. But overall - I'm fairly dull.
Here's what I did today:
- watched the live 30 Rock west coast show. (I had already seen the East Coast, but can't get enough of Tina Fey.
- went to the post office
- went to Wal-Mart. I bought a Miley Cyrus red plaid tunic for $3. NICE. Ohhhh I'm way more excited than I should be. I also bought something else.... Oh! A belt.
- went to K-Mart because I had seen a scarf online that I liked. I "checked my store" and saw that it was available there. Simple white, cable-knit scarf. 30% off. $6.99.
- went to JoAnn Fabrics to buy some orange dye to dye the white scarf. I also bought some teal dye to dye a white tank top that I just bought from OldNavy.com. At first I was going to dye it navy blue, but at the last minute, the teal power took over and I had a change of heart. Turns out when I got to the register the dye was on sale!!!! I was excited about this.
- came home. Fashion show with the red plaid tunic.
- and then I Facebook chatted with cool people for like, 4 hours. It was fun. I'm glad I decided to embrace the Facebook chatting.
- then came the disappointment of the evening. I sat down to watch last night's episode of Glee - the Rocky Horror episode - and discovered that it hasn't aired yet. I thought it aired last night, because they released the music from the Rocky Horror episode yesterday on iTunes.
So, I then decided to watch my downloaded episode of this past week's Bored to Death. I was very excited. But - turns out the download didn't work, and I am unable to watch the episode. I'll have to try again.
So then, I tried to watch my downloaded episode of last week's Jersey Shore. Highly anticipated due to all the Mike drama. BUT - again - unsupported file. LAME. So, I'll have to try that one again as well.
SO THEN, I was like, 'well, I haven't watched the season finale of Jonas L.A. yet, so I'll do that.' And I did that. Lots of drama because Stella had enough of Joe breaking her heart, so she decided to leave L.A. early and go back to New Jersey. And Joe tries to chase after her with Kevin in his grease car - but his car runs out of cooking oil! It happens to break down in front of a burger truck - but the burger guy is ALL OUT of oil!! So, Joe has to run a mile to LAX to catch Stella before she gets on the plane. Yeah - it was pretty tense. And then it turned into one of those slow-motion in the airport things where they shout 'I love you!' and the whole airport hears, then they kiss, and everyone claps. :) Yep.
And that's what I did today. Exciting as always.
The other night I made some earrings. When I was in Chicago this summer, Kerianne and I were walking to Wrigley Field and I saw something on the sidewalk. It was these two connected metal feather like things with a pretty sea-green bead in the center. It looked like they were part of something larger, but I have no idea what. So, I said:
JULIE: Hey! These will make great earrings!
KERIANNE: Chicago loves Julie!!
And then I put them in my purse.
Last week I was cleaning out my purse and found them! I had totally forgotten. It was a nice memory when I saw them again. So, I got out my jewelry pliers, unattached the two metal things and put earring on them. Success!!! They're so pretty! I love them and I've been wearing them all week. And I think of how much fun it was in Chicago.
Kara came to visit the other night. She didn't get here until around 11pm. It was very spontaneous. We stayed up until 7am having fun sister time. She's.the.best.sister.ever. Although, I'm not sure how this happens, but every time Kara and I are together she always manages to talk me into looking at Taylor Swift pictures online. Or, reading Taylor Swift articles. Or, everything else Taylor Swift.
This morning at like, 7:30 I got a text from my mom that read:
"ben and jen??"
I immediately knew she was talking about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner and how they're supposedly having marriage troubles.
Since this was an urgent matter, I texted back:
"all i've heard is that their marriage is on the rocks. what have you heard?"
Mom texted back,
"about the same. j did not go to fenway for the town premiere. hope matt can help."
(she's referring to Matt Damon.)
And then I thought about it and thought, "I love that my mom and I are texting about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner."
They're my fave because they have the most beautiful daughters. If they split - I will be sad. But apparently, Ben is spending too much time away from the family and doesn't involve himself enough with the girls.
So, yeah.
I've been getting a lot of stomach aches lately. It's a bummer.
I'm kind of tired. I slept for 12 hours last night. But ya know, I had a hard, busy day. That Facebook chatting really takes a lot out of you.
I bought all my Crash Kings tickets online today!!!! Philadelphia, New York City, Washington, D.C. baby YEAHHHH!!!!
Any suggestions for Halloween costumes?? Seriously. Please post them below, or send them to me via email. Needs to be something easy, something cheap.
Ok, rather than 'easy' and 'cheap' I shall say, 'simple' and 'inexpensive.' I don't want any inappropriate suggestions.
I wonder if there's a Crash Kings related Halloween costume. I mean, not like, at the store, but in general that I could do. Or, that me and Ryan could do. Because she'll be there. Duh!
We could be mountain men. Or 1985 hipsters. Or, Mary and Jenny. HA. (last suggestion from the song 'You Got Me.')
Ok I just sent those ideas to Ryan via Twitter. She has a yellow raincoat for an awesome default costume... but I don't have one. For some reason I'm suddenly really into the idea of coordinating our costumes. Like the year me and Maria were "two trippin' peas in a far out pod."
Yep, we were pretty adorable. And I felt the need to wear a green cowboy hat. Sometimes it's necessary, and this was one of those times.
I think this was the time right after Maria joined Facebook and she was trying to get me to join. Because Hampshire had just been added as a school, or something. And Facebook was only a few months old. Ahhh yes... Baby Facebook. Seems like so long ago. And it makes me feel old.
Alright. I'm getting tired. And my stomach hurts. So - I think I'm going to sign off. And go to bed.
Hope everyone is having a great week. Can you believe October is almost over?? Yikes.
One of our residents turns 18 today. Big one.
Okay, take care. I'll talk to you all later!!
luvvvvvvv yaaaaaaaaa.
oh man, that text convo with your mom.
ReplyDeletetotally loves it.