Friday, August 28, 2009

heavy boots

i just finished Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. now i've got heavy boots. just like Oskar. what a great book. oh so sad, though. i had to stop reading last night because my boots were too heavy.

i thought the library was open until 8pm, so i was going to go return it right now, but they close at 5pm on friday and saturday. how lame!! it's the weekend, things are open later. they should have 24 hour libraries. and drive-thru post offices.

Ruby Tuesday was being very cuddly this morning.

i'm bummed that i missed the library hours.

so, i don't know how this happened, but i somehow missed the myspace blog that Phantom Planet wrote, telling everyone how they're on Twitter. because last night i was like, "hm, i wonder if there is a Phantom Planet twitter." so, i googled it. and it came up with the Myspace blog.

so, you'll all be happy to know that i am now following all of Phantom Planet. Darren, Alex, Jeff and Sam. and! even better than any of this: are the pictures of Sam's new baby girl who was just born like, two weeks ago or something. omg, she is the most beautiful thing. i am so happy for Sam.

i might make some jewelry now. i bought some new exciting things yesterday.

oh! i forgot to tell you this last night. the family across the street from me just got a new Prius!! it's so nice!!! they got it yesterday. i'm jealous. this is their second new car this year! i am impressed. i also like being on the third floor and higher than everyone else in the neighborhood. gives me an unfair advantage for notice.

ok, i'm ready for a big road trip. i want to rent a van and take a road trip.

i was looking today at my "summons for jury duty" thing that i got and i thought, "if i got picked to be in a jury, i wonder if they would let us have cell phones so that i could do Twitter updates." and then i thought, "no, they probably wouldn't allow that."

but know, friends, that i would do it anyways.

the day that they would actually pick me to be on a jury is the day they have 24 hour libraries and drive-thru post offices.

nay, when that day happens, i will become a judge. to give back to this glorius country, i will now wear an ugly black robe and judge everyone who walks through these doors! and i will make you stand when i enter the room.

nevermind. i would hate being a judge. i couldn't stand having everyone stand when i walked in.

why do they have to wear that robe anyways? why can't they just wear normal clothes?

i was really happy that i didn't have to pay for postage when sending back my Juror Info Form. in which i said that i was unqualified to be a juror. if i had to put a stamp on it, i might not've sent it back. although, you can also fill it out online.

OH! what i SHOULD have done, was fill it out online and screw them over of that postage money.

next time.

so, are we supposed to get a hurricane tomorrow or what?

ok. i think i'm done. i'm gonna go make a new pair of earrings, i think. you want anything? i'll make you whatever you want. just let me know.

have a great friday!!! any hott plans for tonight?? not me. probably gonna hang around the apartment. maybe watch the princess diaries. maybe watch revolutionary road. maybe both.

take care!


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